The Richest Man in Babylon By George S. Clason

The richest man in Babylon
The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason

The Richest Man In Babylon Summary

Anytime you get your salary remind yourself this always, “apart of all I earn is mine to keep.” Remember the bigger chunk of what you earn goes to bills payment and other expenses, that is why it is not how much you earn that matter, but what you keep.

It is a must you save a tenth of your income, organize your income in a manner that permits that fraction to be kept aside first, that is how you start becoming rich.

That what you have saved make it your slave so that it starts working for you and make it children’s children work for you (For instance, if you received some divided reinvest)

Invest with great care otherwise, you will lose your shirt. Seek expert for guidance, those who handle money, not those who want or wish to handle money.

Don’t try to save too much, do to so will strain you and deny you and your household good things of life.

Enjoy life while you’re here, don’t overstrain to save.

Pay your debts with all the promptness within your power, and avoid purchasing that which you’re unable to pay for.

A wise lender will always ask the borrower to have a guarantor in case the payment goes poorly he will still get his money back.

Remember: A part of all you earn is yours to keep.

To all those who desire gold/wealth here are principles to follow.

The 7 Cures For A Lean Purse As Given in The Richest Man In Babylon

The First Cure: Start thy purse to fattening.

Out of ten coins you earn, spend only nine, it is a biblical principle we cannot deny, this how your purse/money will start to increase. 

“I don’t earn enough for my necessary expenses how can I save money?” some may say.

The truth of the matter is that which we call “necessary expense” will always grow to equal our incomes unless we protest to the contrary.

Let talk, If your employer reduces your salary by 10% you won’t quit your job but you will find the way to live on your new salary, so it possible to save 10% only this time the money will be yours.

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