The F.U. Money By Dan Lok

The F.U. Money- Book Summary

What The Hell Is F.U. Money?

The F.U. Money

F.U. Money is the “enough is enough” number—when you get to a point when you don’t have to take shit from anybody, when you make enough money that you’re able to say fuck you to anyone, anywhere (including your boss) without consequence.

F.U. Money gives you the freedom to choose when and how often you spend quality time with family and friends. It means you can buy things without looking at the price tag. You can contribute money for whatever good cause that’s close to your heart.

F.U. Money is the point of true liberation.

The danger of pursuing money is that the process itself can become addictive—and if you’re not careful you will get fixated on the money. The more you have, the more you think you need.

The best things in life are affordable, but they’re not cheap. Quality is never cheap, but if you buy quality items selectively and use with care, you can enjoy a life as materially rich as a Hollywood movie star.

The actual definition of F.U. Money is any amount of money allowing the infinite perpetuation of wealth necessary to maintain a DESIRED LIFESTYLE without needing employment or assistance from anyone.

Why F.U. Money Is Not For The Touchy-Feely

If you WANT to make your F.U. Money—if you WANT to be financially free for the rest of your life—you MUST be committed.

“I’m going to make my F.U. Money” and the next week, “Nah. This is too damn hard.”

You’re either in or you’re out. You have to keep the commitment day-in and day-out.

If you’re going to make your F.U. Money, you have to plow through mounds of crap from all sides.

You will have to fight and push through a world of lies, unsupportive mindsets, struggles, and hardships to move closer to your goal every single day. You’re going to have to FIGHT for uninterrupted time so you can focus on your goals with laser-like intensity.

Don’t take advice from broke people on how to get rich.

Be very careful to whom you listen. If you want to be a F.U. Money Millionaire, you’d better learn from one.

To recondition yourself for wealth instead, you need more than wealthy friends or business associates that will positively impact your MIND and, therefore, your future.

Do the opposite of what everyone else does and you will almost always succeed.

F.U. Money is not for everyone. It’s not “normal.” You don’t do “normal” things to achieve wealth. F.U. Money begins when you take full 100% responsibility for your life.

Table of Contents

“Every business is a reflection of its owner.”

Figure out what you ARE willing to do and what are you NOT willing to do to make money.

“You must determine the price that you will have to pay to achieve success, and then get busy paying that price.”  – H.L. Hunt (Texas Oil Tycoon)

If you set a goal NOW and you see a path of how you’re gonna achieve it, by definition, the goal is too small.

A Pay Price To Action

Everything in life comes with an opportunity cost. When you choose to do one thing, you automatically choose NOT to do other things. You have to give up something to get something.

The price for F.U. Money is self-discipline and self-control.

“The rich do what is hard; that’s why their life is easy. Poor people do what’s easy; that’s why their life is hard.”

The Most Important Thing You Can Do Today To Start Yourself On The Path To F.U. Money

Self-esteem is the foundation of all success. You need to develop a sense of superiority.

In order to make your F.U. Money, you must believe that you actually deserve all the success, wealth, and power that you seek.

It’s not about being egotistical; it’s about having certainty and confidence.

In fact, it’s IMPOSSIBLE to make your F.U. Money without it.

Most people never make their F.U. Money because of their low self-esteem. They’re unsure about themselves, and it shows. They second-guess themselves and never get started as a result.

It’s the kiss of DEATH not to be confident in yourself. If you aren’t confident in yourself, you’ll never DO anything in the first place! People who wait to be totally sure about what they’re doing rarely ever get started.

Successful people are fully aware that they will encounter problems along the way, but it’s their self-confidence that allows them to say, “That’s okay—I’ll be able to handle the problems as they come.”

“Nothing great was ever achieved by timid people.”

“You can care about other people without caring what they think.”

Lacking of self-confidence is incredibly selfish becausethere are people outthere who can develop cure for cancer but because of their low self-esteem they cannot step up to the plate, so the world can never benefit from the cure. Such people go to the grave without making any impact.

You can’t be of ANY value to others until you first value yourself.

You Can Make Money Or Excuses, Not Both.

“The amount of money you make is closely related to your self-image.”

An excuse is nothing more than a well-planned lie.

Remember, you can make excuses or you can make money, but you can’t do both! Face your excuses and see them for what they really are: obstacles that you’ve made up in your mind. When you blow past them, you’ll make your F.U. Money that much faster.

Life ain’t fair. Business ain’t fair. People ain’t fair. Get over it!

The Power Of Setting D.I.G.

I believe in setting a D.I.G.—Daily Income Goal. Now, a lot of people have income goals.

I have those yearly, monthly, and weekly goals, but it’s the daily income goal that I focus on.

Let’s say your income goal is $10,000 a month, which is a good goal for most people.

A better way is to divide your income goal by thirty days. In this case, your D.I.G. is approximately $334. So the first question when you get up in the morning should be, “What am I doing today to make 350 bucks?”

Every day, the daily minimum is your focal point— that’s your priority. Everything else is CRAP.  Whatever the DAILY number, that’s your focus

Hitting your daily income goal is your number one priority every day. Everything else is bullshit.

When you don’t need money, it comes to you faster, easier, an quicker than you ever thought possible.

Needy is creepy.

“Do what you love and the money will follow” is a lie. It should be: “Learn to love the activities that are capable of producing the largest sum of money – then the money will follow!”

The Amazingly Simple Technique That Boosts Your Daily Productivity

A lot of people have the tendency to pick up the phone when it rings. It’s like we’ve been trained like monkeys. Not me. I set my own time schedule and make others work around me. I ONLY do prescheduled phone appointments.

And isn’t it true that 90% of the time the incoming calls aren’t that important anyway? Isn’t it true 90% of the time they aren’t THAT urgent?

Set aside blocks of time for everything you do during the day, including checking e-mails. Check your email after lunch and don’t check them anymore and work on something else.

Don Lok doesn’t use Facebook and Messenger. I don’t want to be interrupted whenever someone has a “brain fart.” Instant and quick access doesn’t equal productivity.

There are only two kinds of activities in a business:

  1. Profit producing activities and
  2. Non-profit producing activities

Out of all the tasks you have to do, don’t spend a lot of time doing the ones that don’t make you money.

People fail because of broken focus. Most business owners who struggle are busy with the day-to-day responsibilities of the business and only take action on what’s getting their attention at the moment. They don’t think or act strategically. Big mistake.

Why do people get distracted so easily? Because they don’t know what they want—they get sidetracked.

Distraction is the only true luxury of poor people. Laser-beam focus is mandatory for success

The reason people never make real money is because they are running a small business, doing some day trading, some real estate …they fail to make real money because they are involved in so many business. Pick the business that has the highest probability of making your F.U. Money. Get rid of the others and see what happens. You’ll be shocked by the result.

The F.U. Money Business

One the biggest reasons people never make their F.U. Money is that they get sucked into the latest moneymaking schemes, such as the latest real estate trend, the latest pyramid schemes, the so-called “opportunity of a lifetime.”

“Most people don’t want the truth. They’re just looking for things that sound good.”

The Money Secret Shared By Bill Gates, Richard Branson, And Warren Buffet

Whenever you catch yourself looking to find some source outside yourself to create wealth with ease overnight—watch out. Nobody can make you rich—only YOU can make yourself rich.

Look at the most successful people on the planet: Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, and Oprah Winfrey. There was never a hot moneymaking scheme involved up front. It was always the vision to create a business, deliver a lot of value to a lot of people, and solve a problem. That’s what made them rich.

The F.U. Money millionaire also understands that a business is a financial vehicle to get from point A to point B. She isn’t emotionally attached to any ONE particular business.

You have to START with the right vehicle. You see, there are only three reasons to be in any business (in order of priority):

  1. Cash Now: You want to make money now, not in three years… not five years from now… not hopefully when you “cash out” at some undetermined time “in the future.” NOW!
  2. Cash Monthly: It’s critical to have cash flow coming in on a consistent basis to pay your bills and live comfortably.
  3. Cash In The Future: If you can “cash out” and sell your business for a ton of money sometime in the future, that’s fantastic.

The purpose of a business is NOT to provide jobs or support your employees. The purpose of the business is to support YOU—to make you RICH. That’s the only purpose. If you help people make a living along the way, wonderful.

Wondering what are the characteristics of business that can make F.U. money? Read the 9 Characteristics of an Ideal Business excerpt from The F.U. money.

How Ordinary People Make Extraordinary Income Online Grow And Promote Your Offline Business Online.

Nowadays, if your business doesn’t have a website, you have zero credibility. It’s almost mandatory, regardless of what business you’re in.

By having even a simple informative website about you and your product or service, you open an instant, FREE door to potential clients that you never had before.

If you have an existing business, you can use the Internet to:

  • Directly sell your products and services directly
  • Educate and “pre-sell” your customers
  • Follow up with your existing customers
  • Provide quality information for your potential prospects so you build trust with them
  • Generate leads for your offline business

And if you don’t have a business yet, the best place for you to start is on the World Wide Web. It’s by far the cheapest advertising tool that you can have, plus you get to have global exposure.

There is no easier, faster, and more certain way to create massive wealth in record time than the Internet.

The 7 Golden Keys To Internet Riches

  1. The market comes first

The market you sell to is more important than the products or services you sell. The number one reason people fail is because they spend so much time creating the perfect product without even knowing if there’s a market for what they offer. Big mistake.

The absolute key to your Internet success anytime you decide to begin ANY moneymaking project online is effective market research. Remember, people don’t buy from you because they understand what you sell—they buy from you because they feel understood.

Sell something that is already proven to sell. If you want to find out where money is being made, look no further than where money is being spent.

2. Create a simple, easy-to-navigate website that sells

Do you know what the single biggest mistake is that most websites make? They are NOT designed to sell. If you want to strike it rich online, it’s crucial that everything on your website is geared to do one thing and one thing only: to sell.

Your website is not a brochure. You should think of your website as a 24/7 virtual salesperson.

3. Build a business, not a moneymaker

A business has assets: customer lists, products, and a brand. Those are your assets. Poor people focus on making money. Rich people focus on building and creating assets that make you money. Little distinction, BIG difference.

4. Create multiple income streams in one business, don’ create many diversified businesses

A lot of people misunderstand the concept of “Don’t have all your eggs in one basket” for entrepreneurs, trying to make money with ten different businesses is a disaster. It’s total confusion. What you really want is multiple streams of income within ONE business.

But trust me on this one: instead of jumping from one market to another, chasing down every idea you ever come up with (and driving yourself crazy in the process), I suggest you squeeze as much money as you can out of one market.

Exhaust every avenue there is for making money within your current market, and you’re virtually certain to make more money than you ever would by jumping from one market to the next.

5. Leverage the time and resources of others

Let other people and “things” make money for you.

6. Use your personality to sell

People trust and believe other people far more than they trust corporations. Corporations are big, uncaring, and unbending. On the other hand, people are typically friendly and caring.

Don’t be afraid to tell your story. Share your successes and failures. Reveal your flaws. Why? Facts tell, stories SELL. Can you create an emotional story to wrap around your product or service.

7. Position your business for automatic growth

As you grow your business, you must position your business in as many ways as possible to automatically make money for you.

There is inexpensive technology available to you for running your businesses that’s very powerful. Harness this technology and use it to your advantage.

Another example is building your mailing list 24/7 with a prominent opt-in box and a compelling offer.

This piece of advice has made me a lot of money: do more of what works instead of trying to fix what’s broken.

Keep doing the things that have brought you the most money, but focus on fine-tuning the system so you can duplicate and multiply the results. Auto-mate your business as much as possible.

Stop throwing good money into profit draining projects.

THE F.U. MONEY: Make As Much Money As You Damn Well Want And Live Your Life As You Damn Well Please! BY DAN LOK was published by Advantage Media Group, in 2014. It has 240 pages.

You can read related personal finance books here.

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