Why Christians Are Poor

15 Reasons Why Many Christians Are Poor

Why Christians Are Poor

Why Christians are poor? They pray, fast, give sacrificial seed but this poverty thing does not seem to go away. So why is poverty not budging at all? I have found a few reasons that I believe they have contributed to penury in many Christians’ life. 

Thinking Tithing and giving is the ticket to prosperity.

 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Mal. 3:10 

Pastors emphasize giving and tithing because his/her office benefits from that, what do you get in return? A blessing. Really, many think God is cheap and He is selling blessings but God is so rich He owns everything both visible and invisible. He owns cattle on a thousand hills and silver and gold belong to Him, He is a rich God. 

Many give only to leave their family with nothing. It is not a virtue to give everything and go home and die, by so doing you qualify to be worse than a non-believer that is according to the book of 1 Timothy 5:8

Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 1 Timothy 5:8  

That part of Malachi 3:10 that says

“ …see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” The way I understand that is that God will give you ideas that if you execute them success is guaranteed, many are looking for money to fall from heaven.

You have to work and work harder than your next-door neighbor. This belief that when you tithe God will open windows of heaven and pour out blessings in Malachi 3:10 is heavily misinterpreted. Those blessings come in terms of ideas, opportunity, favor…but someone has to grab those things. If you are keen on your bible study you will agree that every miracle Jesus performed required a human response. You want wine, bring water, you want to walk, raise and take your bed… all miracles Jesus performed had a call to action attached. Many Christians want everything handed over to them, they don’t want to labor.

What About Offering?

Offering simply means to offer value, a product, or a service. An offering is what you have to offer to humanity. What you offer is your divine assignment. It can either be secular, spiritual, or transformative. 

What does Bill Gates Offer? Computer Solutions, What does Elon Musk offer? Jeff Bezos? They all offer solutions to human problems. I have seen people going broke thinking giving alone will give them prosperity. Prosperity comes when you engage in the production of goods and services that people are willing to pay for, it is that simple. The more people you serve the more money you make. The richest people in the world are the ones serving billions of people. Companies like Facebook serve almost 3 billion people monthly.

So I am against giving?

Why Christians Are Poor

No! I support giving so much. It is better to give than to receive. Giving is good, as matter of fact giving is living. But when you give expecting something to happen that is not giving that is now business transaction, is service now, because you pay to receive a service or product. Give cheerfully that is what God honors, support ministry, and preachers it is a noble thing but that is not what will make you wealthy.


Another reason why Christians are poor is ignorance. They say ignorance is bliss, but the bible says ignorance what many call bliss will destroy people. 

My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests…

Hosea 4:6 

ManyChristians are ignorant of their financial well-being they don’t study money rules. This financial ignorance has produced some well-behaved financially illiterate people. The majority of Christians are ignorant of their finances they see topics of money as greed and carnality. What they fail to acknowledge is that The Bible is full of financial knowledge. Ignoring the very things The Bible addresses in the majority of the books is levity of the highest order. Jesus taught more on money than any other topic.

 Just spirituality alone will not fix everything there is a reason why God has given people different calling, like an accountant, CFOs…et al and believing that those who teach on how to get wealth and money management as evil is denying that God didn’t give them that knowledge. Believing so is thinking that God does not need those who are smart with money. Ignorance of how economics works have led many Christians to poverty that cannot be cured by any form of sacrifice but that of seeking financial literacy.

Failure to take responsibility for their financial situation

This is a major reason why Christians are poor. Christians are vague about their financial situation, secular people are very specific about their financial goals. Christians are just waiting on God, to do for them what He ordered them to do in the scriptures. The Bible talks about all the laws of money, things like budgeting, investing, diversification, saving….debt et al. Failure to take financial responsibility have ravaged many Christians. 

 On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up…

1 Corinthians 16:2

YOU SHOULD SET ASIDE A SUM OF MONEY….God won’t do that for you, you have to do it.

Poverty Mindset

It has been passed down through the ages that those who seek wealth are self-indulgent, decadent, and shallow, and that poverty and financial mediocrity are badges of honor. This goes back to the biblical quote that “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” The literal translation of this biblical passage even led the Catholic Church, one of the wealthiest organizations in the world, to paint a picture of the Pope as a destitute servant in order to maintain the integrity of the message to motivate people to donate money. This is not opinion, but historical fact. This manipulative tradition continues in modern times through evangelists selling salvation with prayer cloths and holy water to poor people, while its purveyors are living in mansions and traveling by private jet. 

The poverty mindset is what makes many Christians criticize the rich. Many think that being poor glorifies God, this is twisted thinking that makes our heavenly loving Father look bad and uncaring. What kind of a Father wants his kids to live in abject poverty?

This poverty mindset is what makes average Christians to never talks about the money they are uncomfortable with any topic on wealth and money. That is why they criticize any preacher who exudes some level of flashiness either in the way a preacher dresses or the type of car they drive. What you criticize, you repel. 

Lack of financial planning

Why Christians Are Poor

Many Christians have no well-coordinated plan in place. This is exemplified by a lack of budgeting and lack of financial goals in place.

Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.

-Proverbs 21:5

The bible didn’t say prayers will give you prosperity, it says good planning and hard work lead to prosperity. A well-crafted financial plan, by contrast, will give you the clarity and confidence necessary for making sound financial decisions. Failing to plan is by default planning to fail. God is not going to plan for you though He has a plan for you. 

Proverbs 16:1 informs us that, to humans belongs the plans of the heart, but from the LORD comes the proper answer of the tongue. If you have no plans for your finances no else has, and if any, their plan is to take your money from you as fast as possible. Lack of financial planning is the major thing that has crippled many Christians financially. This is another reason why Christians are poor.

Financial Illiteracy

Financially illiteracy is the absence of financial knowledge in someone’s life. Many think that money will cure their financial problems but that is far from the truth. Most of the financial problems are not fixed with money but financial education. Financial illiteracy is the number one problem not only to Christians but also in today’s generation. We were not schooled about finances in schools this is why this illiteracy is so prevalent in the world.

It is very crucial that people understand the importance of financial literacy because it is life saving.

– Mellody Hobson

Financial literacy not only involves the ability to count your money, but it also test your ability to evaluate the cost and benefit associated with each decision you make.

-Wayne Chriso  

Another reason why Christians are poor is their financial illiteracy. Financial prosperity has laws and the bible is full of those financial laws. Financial illiteracy is what hinders people from taking their ideas and create assets out of them.

Christians leave everything to God

Why Christians Are Poor

God is our partner in this journey called life, and our finances are not left out. How just could be to say God is our partner and leave Him out to do everything for us. That is not a partnership, this is domineering. Investopedia defines partnership as is an arrangement between two or more people to oversee business operations and share its profits and liabilities. God will give us an idea but we have to take those ideas and execute them. God will not do for us what we can do for ourselves. He is our helper. God will not help us to do nothing, we have to be doing something for God to help. 

The Greek term for the helper is Parakletos. A parakletos is a person who is called in to help in a situation. John 14:16 I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper. He will give you this Helper to be with you forever. We can’t afford to leave everything to God; we have to do our part as a partner. 

Any practice of Christianity that makes God absolute responsible for the outcome of your life is an irresponsible Christianity.

Bishop David Oyedepo. 

Slack hand

This is another reason why Christians are poor Many Christians are poor because of their slack hands. They just want to have it handed to them. That is why, the “I possess….”slogan is very popular. Slack hands can only possess one thing, poverty. You can say, “I possess my car….land…money…” all you want until the purple cow comes home, but a hundred times zero is zero. You can go to a car dealership and say, ” I possess my car, but until you write that cheque you will go home tired, empty, and with a hoarse voice. 

The diligent hand will prosper…Proverbs 12:24

He who has a slack hand becomes poor, but the hand of the diligent makes rich. Proverbs 10:4

As a door turns on its hinges, So does the lazy man on his bed. Proverbs 26:14


This pressure comes from the church itself that is from the preachers and also the congregation. Many churches today have become so materialistic preaching about possessions, this has put pressure on so many Christians who have attached their identity not to Christ but to material possession. 

Preachers put so much emphasis on who bought new a car in church or a new house. Many of those preachers have spooky theology that the church parking lot is an indicator of their level of anointing. To them, many cars mean more anointing. I prayed and prophesied and it has come to pass, this is a satanic doctrine that has made so many Christians go into debt to prove they are beneficiaries of the anointing and some prophesy. And debt is not a bad thing if used wisely it can catapult our goals, but when used foolishly is a taskmaster. When debt is used badly make the borrower slave to the lender.

Why Christians Are Poor

This pressure from the pulpit and pews has made many Christians go broke trying to look rich. Testimony session in churches is where people express how God has blessed them, and some people in the church want to keep up with those who are giving testimonies about what they have bought. This results in unnecessary pressure trying to be at par with others. 

Sometimes those giving testimonies on their brand new car maybe they bought it with cash, and here is someone running into debt to keep up with such a person. There is so much competition in today’s Church than in any other place.

Excessive Consumer Debt

Debt is not a bad thing if used wisely it can catapult your goals, but when used foolishly is a taskmaster. But foolish debt also known as consumer debt has made many slaves living in the words of Solomon in Proverbs 22:7: “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is slave of the lender.” They are slaves because they are paying for a dead horse. Borrowing to eat and not to invest is stupidity on steroids. The rich rule because they lend and they receive interest from borrowers, but a wise borrower invests money, makes a profit and a portion of that profit pays loans and the other part is his/hers. Buying liabilities like luxury cars is the fastest road to poverty. Those liabilities are siphoning money on gas, repair, and insurance. 

Wrong Believing Which Results In Wrong Living

Some Christian thinks that money is the root of all evil. That is not scriptural The Bible says “For the love of money is the root of all evil.” 1Timothy 6:10

Some think money is the root of all evil that is messed up thinking that will wreak havoc on their life. Most good things in this life are accomplished by using money. I am presumptuous but right now just look around you what you see was bought using money, that computer, chair, desk…et al 

People who think money is evil, they remain poor and they are money repellent. 

This another reason why Christians are poor is wrong believing. Right living is a result of right believing. Believe right and you shall live right. 

As man a thinketh so is he. Proverbs 23:7

Pursuing Hasty shortcuts

Hasty shortcuts leads to poverty.

Proverbs 21:5 

 Many Christians will do anything that promises instant wealth, every prophecy that promises good life, prosperity, abundance is much needed in many churches and many will put sacrificial seed, in this case, money to get that instant miracle. People want success but they don’t want to sacrifice or to work harder/ diligently which are needed to succeed in life.

Why Christians Are Poor

Many Christians are drinking kool-aid from the pulpit, which is not pulling people out of the pit but driving them deeper into the pit of ignorance and poverty. Many preachers are playing havoc with people’s destiny, promising things contrary to the scriptures. God will never bless anything you are not committed to. You can’t buy hard work, committing, and sacrifice that guarantee success by sowing a seed regardless of the amount. You have to work diligently. Hard work, good planning, and diligence will bring success, not hasty shortcuts.

Success is not achieved overnight it is a process, not instant.

 It is Zig Ziglar who said, “There is no elevator to success, you have to take stairs.”

You have to divorce yourself from hasty shortcuts which by now have proven to be long cuts.

Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land. 

Exodus 23:30.

Not instant but little by little.

Misinterpreting The Scriptures

Taking scripture out of context, leave one with a con, this is a another reason why Christians are poor. Commonly misinterpreted scriptures include;

A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.

-Proverbs 13:22

The latter part is highly misinterpreted many think they will rest on their laurels, pray and wait for the rich sinner to die so they can inherit the wealth of the wicked since it is stored up for the righteous. This is wrong thinking.  (See, the Habits of the successful wealth-builders)

It makes God look bad as if He has no resources to give to His children so He keeps them in abject poverty waiting for the wicked to die so that the righteous will inherit their wealth. That scripture the way I see it, means that Christians, the righteous should engage in the production of excellent goods and services that even the wicked will come to benefit from the services and goods offered. Here the wicked will give a portion of his wealth or money to the righteous in exchange for services or goods. For Instance, if you are the best Christian doctor in your country, if the wicked person’s son got sick they will come for your services and pay whatever amount you charge them.

Another scripture misinterpreted is 1Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil. Many Christians quote it this way money is the root of all evil. That is not what the bible says, it the LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil. 

Lack Of Awareness That They Are Responsible For Their Financial Situation

Another reason why Christians are poor is that many Christians are very specific about what kind of marriage they want, wedding, the family they want, soul-winning, when to fast, when to pray, but ask the very same Christians about their financial plan, they will answer with grandiose vagueness. This is because they have no plan for that. We are in charge of how we manage our money. 

Criticizing The Wealthy

This is another reason why Christians are poor. What you criticize you repel. When Christians see their pastors with a good car or nice dress or nicely designed suit they will start slandering the preacher and put labels on him/her, they say he/she is carnal or secular. Wealth to them is associated with carnality, deception, and fraud. This has kept many poor because many think that being poor is a sign of humility, but God wants the best for his children, the same I want for my children. 

God wants you to have a good life that is what he delights in. 

Let the Lord be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.  Psalms 35:27. 

God delights in the prosperity of His servant.

It is a sign of a confused mind to critic, demean, devalue, and disdain the very thing you want to have in your life. What you criticize, you repel.  

When you see that which you want or admire with someone is a sign that God is still in the business of answering prayers and blessing people and if He did it for one He will do it for another. 

Because God is no respecter of persons. Acts 10:34


There you have 15 reasons why Christians are poor. Your financial prosperity is tied to everything God assigned you to do. Prepare for the opportunity that God will bring your way.

Money is not created but exchange hands. It is up to you to ensure you do something that will qualify you as a candidate to have some money in your hands. What can you do that people are willing to offer their money for? That should be your major focus. Focus on offering solutions to people’s problems and that will be your gift that will make room for you and bring you before kings and great men. Proverbs 18:16

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