Secrets of the Millionaire Mind By T. Harv Eker

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind T. Harv Eker
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth

Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind- Book Summary

Part One: Your Money Blueprint

“It’s not what we don’t know that prevents us from succeeding; it’s what we know that just ain’t so that is our greatest obstacle.” Josh Billings

 “The key to success is to raise your own energy; when you do, people will naturally be attracted to you. And when they show up, bill ’em!” Stuart Wilde

It’s not enough to be in the right place at the right time. You have to be the right person in the right place at the right time.

If you want to move to a higher level of life, you have to be willing to let go of some of your old ways of thinking and being and adopt new ones. The results will eventually speak for themselves.

Wealth Principle: Your income can grow only to the extent you do!

The vast majority of people simply do not have the internal capacity to create and hold on to large amounts of money and the increased challenges that go with more money and success. That is the reason they don’t have much money.

Lottery winners eventually return to their original financial state, because that is the amount they can comfortably handle. Their financial thermostats is set to handle a specific amount of money. Most people’s financial thermostats are set for generating thousands, not millions of dollars. Some people’s financial thermostats are set for below zero.

The Roots Create the Fruits

It’s what’s under the ground that creates what’s above the ground. It’s invisible that creates visible.

Wealth Principle: If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.

We don’t live only on planet, but on four different realms at once. They are;

  • The physical world,
  • The mental world,
  • The emotional world,
  • The spiritual world.

Physical realm is merely a “printout” of the other three.

Wealth Principle: Money is a result, wealth is a result, health is a result, illness is a result, your weight is a result. We live in a world of cause and effect.

A lack of money is never, ever, ever a problem. A lack of money is merely a symptom of what is going on underneath.

Lack of money is the effect, but what is the root cause? It boils down to this. The only way to change your “outer” world is to first change your “inner” world.

The secrets of the millionaire mind is knowing that your inner world creates my outer world.

Wealth Principle: Thoughts lead to feelings. Feelings lead to actions. Actions lead to results.

Financial blueprint consists of a combination of your thoughts, feelings, and actions in the arena of money.

Your financial blueprint consists primarily of the information or “programming” you received in the past, and especially as a young child.

Your programming leads to your thoughts; thoughts lead to your feelings; feelings lead to your actions; your actions lead to your results.

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